Friday, January 29, 2010

Veggie Tales

Tonight I am watching a Veggie Tales movie. More specifically I am watching the Jonah one that I have seen several times, but I still love! Anyway, even though I am already part way through it I figured I would keep track of some of my thoughts and quotes that I like throughout the movie! :)

1. In the beginning of the movie Jonah is bringing the people a message from God and they sing this awesome cute little song and the line I love in the song is, "If you follow God's commands, there will be peace throughout the land. You will live long and happy lives." There are lots of little good snippets in this song, but I like this one because there is evidence throughout the scriptures as well as in the modern world. There is also peace in our own lives when we follow God's commands, and not just in the land in general although that can happen as well. "Follow them [referring to God's commands] and you're no fool!"

2. "They lied, they stealed, but worst of all they slapped people with fishes! They even slapped eachother with fishes!" Okay, so the fish slapping has to be one of the funniest parts of the movie. I mean, come on, peas wiithout arms slapping eachother with fishes. It doesn't get much funnier than that people!

3. Compassion is on the menu at the restaurant... and so is mercy.

4. "We are the pirates who don't do anything." This is just such a catchy song and will be stuck in my head for weeks now. WooT!

5. God knows. Yeah, the prophet tried to run away. Pretttttyyy sure that's a big no-no.

6. Playing cards is apparently the new way to find out who God is mad with.

7. "We've got a plank. You can just walk off!"

8. Beware of attack motors.

9. "That was easy"

10. Rolling down a ship is a fun time.. except when there is a whale pulling the ship along... or you're on the Titanic. o_O

11. "You see the whale as half empty but I see the whale as half full!" Neither of them knows what this means.. but I do!

12. "You're feeling pretty blue. You didn't do what God requested." This is so very true!

13. "We're gonna be digested! Do you know what that means?!" Can I get an ick ick!

14. "They're punishment... the slap of no return!" Sounds dangerous....

15. "Smell him. Smell him!" -_-'

16. "Stop cheating. Stop lying. And especially stop slapping people with fishes!"

17. "God gives everyone a second chance, and so should we."

18. "The world needs more people who are nice, and compassionate, and merciful."

Okay, so I just threw this together and I'm way tired so I'm going to sleep! :) Maybe I'll reflect more on it tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Love To See The Temple

Tonight was the ward temple trip and I decided that for this temple trip that I was not going to bring family names, even though I have many left that need to be done. I am saving a few for a near future temple trip with some of the returned missionaries that taught me on their mission, so that should be pretty amazing!
The Mesa temple has always been my favorite temple, ever since I was baptized and the first time that I was able to enter that baptismal font and the area surrounding it I knew why it was my favorite and why I felt I had such a connection with the Mesa temple. It is truly amazing and such a blessing to have lived in Arizona for this time and even if I leave soon I hope to be able to come back one day. Everytime I have gone to the Mesa temple I have experienced a unique and awesome tender mercy of the Lord from the people I meet there to the names that I am proxy for and it is such a wonderful blessing. These tender mercies have helped to increase my testimony and truly remind me of the things that are important in life. It's so awesome and you should definitely go to the temple as often as possible!
Also, I think I'm starting to slack on my blog updates because of all the craziness in my life, but hopefully that gets better soon.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


"I have felt His love in sacred and unforgettable ways. We have felt His forgiveness, His love and comfort."
Neil L. Anderson

So, I was thinking this afternoon about all my past boyfriends. Yep, all ZERO of them and was thinking about possible reasons that I have never had a boyfriend. I used to wonder what was wrong with me and do the whole self pity thing but I now realize how absolutely stupid that was of me (No offense if you do that. I understand that it's hard to get over, especially in this world). Sure, I still know that I have shortcomings and things that I need to work on, but so does everyone else.

Anyway, as I was thinking I realized that this all is probably just a blessing in disguise. I mean, according to family statistics I should already have my first child, but I don't. I have had my heart broken by a guy that I wasn't dating and it was incredibly horrible pain, but it's not like I really lost anyone. I have dealt with a lot of things while not actually in a relationship that I truly believe will help me if and when I ever am in a relationship. I also feel like this has given me more of a opportunity to "mature."

But let's be honest. The all obviously just goes back to the fact that boys have cooties. Yep, that is most definitely it. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Under Construction

I just wanted to warn you that I am testing out a bunch of different layouts for the blog, so if you're clicking around and the colors seem off, or the layout magically changes, which would of course be because of those darn leprechauns sneaking around, that it's no big deal and things should be normal again soon. :)

Bashing in the Rain

"Singing in the rain"
So, today has been quite the eventful day for me. Did I tell you about my 7:30 am institute class? After an early start I was getting lunch when I was stopped to take a little survey... about Christ and heaven. Of course, the girls were a bit curious and began asking questions, especially after I told them I grew up Baptist and then converted to Mormonism. They tried to make the questions sound innocent and "curious" but I could tell that it was more than that - that they were trying to find a question I couldn't answer and were indirectly attacking my faith, my belief in Christ. I feel like I held my ground pretty well and completed their survey for them. Anyway, after I was done I left for Mesa Community College for the day so that I could check out about taking classes over there, at least for this semester. It was a lot of running around but after about 4 hours I got everything done and all the paperwork submitted and I now have a schedule for the spring semester. YAY! Only problem now is I have to find money to buy a U Pass so I can get over there everyday. Ugh. All well. I'm sure it will all work itself out. :)

Oh, and I currently have this obsession with grilled chicken caesar salad. YUM!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Don't stop, never give up"
So, yesterday in the midst of the icky weather everything seemed to go wrong for me. My whole school schedule would have to be changed... if I was attending school this semester. I haven't been able to get the substantial amount of money I need to stay in school and now I'm looking for a place to live and a job. I'm scared that I won't be able to stay in Arizona, but whatever happens happens. While I was taking a shower this morning I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to transfer to BYU-I or something, but I'm really not sure. I'd still have to find a job up there and I'm just worried and stressed out. Because of all the stress I even went several thousand calories over my "diet" yesterday and I'm just having a hard time handling all the news. Hopefully today will go better. :/

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


For a little over a year now I have been a member of a website called sparkpeople. It is free to use and has many wonderful resources on it for weight loss and help to become an overall healthier person. Just a few of the services it offers are:

1. A Nutrition Tracker - You can track all the food you eat which also keeps track of calories, vitamins, protein, and the website gives you a target range to hit for each one depending on your weight and age. You can also have a food program from the website so that you don't have to worry about making a menu or about what you are going to eat. You just buy what you need for the week from a store and you have your menu!

2. Fitness Tracker - Here you can keep track of the calories you burn doing physical activity and any specific type of physical activity you do. You can also find workout videos on the website that you can do from home or even at your desk at work!

3. Point System - This is a big motivational factor me and one of my favorite parts of the website. Everytime you do something like track food or interact with certain parts of the website you get a certain amount of points. You even get points just for logging in everyday! You can also win prizes when you spin the wheel for login points like t-shirts or water bottles.

4. Recipes - Complete with nutritional info there are thousands of recipes on the SparkRecipes website and you get 3 points a day for making a recipe!

5. Other websites - They also have specialized websites like for teenagers or expecting mothers.

6. More - There are many other things on the website like message boards and whatnot, but I can't go through everything on here and I'm sure I'd miss something.

So, now that I've told you about the awesomeness that is the sparkpeople website, I guess telling you about my goals for the upcoming year (and maybe longer) might be wise as well. Here they are! :)

1: Lose 60 pounds... except I'm focusing on 20 pound increments because 60 seems a bit too overwhelming

2. Become healthier and eat more healthy food like fruits and vegetables.

3. Exercise 6 days a week for at least an hour each day

4. And anything else that I may be forgetting at the time. I'm sure you'll see updates in later posts that talk about my goals. :)

Anyway, sorry you just read through this ridiculously boring and long post, but I needed to get this all done. Oh, and if you join the website, my username is jugglerchic so that you can say I referred you and then add me as a friend on your sparkpage! :)

Toes Crossed? CHECK!

"I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, Over mountain or plain or sea; I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord; I’ll be what you want me to be."

Today is bound to be a whirlwind and extremely stressful. Today is the day I will *most likely* find out my plans for the next several months - whether it's school, work, or even going back to Maine. I would like to stay in school and going back to Maine will be a last resort. Anyway, I have a meeting with my advisor this afternoon and I am going to meet with my bishop and financial aid as well, so keep your fingers crossed and my name in your prayers!

Monday, January 18, 2010

And So It Begins

"Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though 'twere his own."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As many (Okay, so maybe just a few) of you may know, I have two other blogs that I rarely post on. In creating this new blog I hope to succeed at something I have failed at and I hope to bring together my two separate worlds created in my other blogs. My goal is to update this blog at least once a day and to:

1: Once a day analyze a quote or post one for people to think about
2: Reflect on my life and share my experiences with others
3: Share the gospel because of the huge part of my life that it is
4: Develop into a more beautiful human being and hopefully bring others along for the ride
5: Be accountable
6: Post updates on my weight loss/ exercise goal and plan
7: And anything else that may need to be done!

(I am thinking about using the colors above as sort of a code, but we'll see how it works out. I might scratch that plan)

Anyway, I hope to have at least a few people following along that can help me out and share in my journey. If you do decide to buckle in, I am way excited and if not, I will sorely miss you. :( Anyway, here goes nothing and expect to be seeing more posts soon!