Tuesday, January 19, 2010


For a little over a year now I have been a member of a website called sparkpeople. It is free to use and has many wonderful resources on it for weight loss and help to become an overall healthier person. Just a few of the services it offers are:

1. A Nutrition Tracker - You can track all the food you eat which also keeps track of calories, vitamins, protein, and the website gives you a target range to hit for each one depending on your weight and age. You can also have a food program from the website so that you don't have to worry about making a menu or about what you are going to eat. You just buy what you need for the week from a store and you have your menu!

2. Fitness Tracker - Here you can keep track of the calories you burn doing physical activity and any specific type of physical activity you do. You can also find workout videos on the website that you can do from home or even at your desk at work!

3. Point System - This is a big motivational factor me and one of my favorite parts of the website. Everytime you do something like track food or interact with certain parts of the website you get a certain amount of points. You even get points just for logging in everyday! You can also win prizes when you spin the wheel for login points like t-shirts or water bottles.

4. Recipes - Complete with nutritional info there are thousands of recipes on the SparkRecipes website and you get 3 points a day for making a recipe!

5. Other websites - They also have specialized websites like for teenagers or expecting mothers.

6. More - There are many other things on the website like message boards and whatnot, but I can't go through everything on here and I'm sure I'd miss something.

So, now that I've told you about the awesomeness that is the sparkpeople website, I guess telling you about my goals for the upcoming year (and maybe longer) might be wise as well. Here they are! :)

1: Lose 60 pounds... except I'm focusing on 20 pound increments because 60 seems a bit too overwhelming

2. Become healthier and eat more healthy food like fruits and vegetables.

3. Exercise 6 days a week for at least an hour each day

4. And anything else that I may be forgetting at the time. I'm sure you'll see updates in later posts that talk about my goals. :)

Anyway, sorry you just read through this ridiculously boring and long post, but I needed to get this all done. Oh, and if you join the sparkpeople.com website, my username is jugglerchic so that you can say I referred you and then add me as a friend on your sparkpage! :)

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